REM ***** BASIC ***** option explicit option VBASupport 1 ' for InStrRev Sub createPDFForm dim doc doc = StarDesktop.currentComponent if not doc.hasLocation then saveAs (doc) if not doc.hasLocation then exit sub else ' make sure it's saved doc.storeAsURL (doc.location, Array()) endif Dim url, args(0) as new url = doc.location args(0).Name = "AsTemplate" args(0).Value = true doc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL (url, "_blank", 0, args) if isNull(doc) then exit sub makeForm doc fillTable doc url = Left(url, InStrRev(url, "." ) ) & "pdf" ' thanks to args(0).Name = "FilterName" args(0).Value = "writer_pdf_Export" doc.storeToURL (url, args) ' close doc per if doc.supportsService ("") then doc.close True else doc.dispose end if ' display the new PDF (the OLE bridge is documented at ' Wscript.Shell.Run is documented at createUnoService("").createInstance("Wscript.Shell").run url End Sub sub saveAs (doc) dim document, dispatcher document = doc.CurrentController.Frame dispatcher = createUnoService("") dim args1(0) as new args1(0).Name = "FilterName" args1(0).Value = "writer8" dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:SaveAs", "", 0, args1()) end sub sub makeForm (doc) ' turn static forms into real forms ("[]" becomes a checkbox; "[x]" becomes a pre-checked checkbox; "____" becomes an edit field of the same length Dim search search = doc.createSearchDescriptor search.searchString = "\[ *]" ' empty checkboxes search.searchRegularExpression = true dim result result = doc.findAll(search) dim i for i = 0 to result.count-1 createCheckbox result.getByIndex(i), False, doc next i search.searchString = "\[[^\]]*]" ' checkboxes with something in them result = doc.findAll(search) for i = 0 to result.count-1 createCheckbox result.getByIndex(i), True, doc next i search.searchString = "_+" ' underlines need to be replaced with text boxes result = doc.findAll(search) for i = 0 to result.count-1 createTextframe result.getByIndex(i), doc next i end sub sub createCheckbox (rng as, checked as boolean, doc) as com.sun.drawing.ControlShape ' returns an inline checkbox to be used with insertTextContent ' need to create two objects and associate them ( dim checkModel, checkbox checkModel = doc.createInstance("") checkbox = doc.createInstance("") checkModel.label = "" if (checked) then checkModel.state = 1 checkModel.visualEffect = Dim sz as New sz.height = 320 ' hard-wired is ugly, but checkboxes are fixed in size (/ sz.width = 320 checkbox.size = sz ' can't just do checkShape.size.height = 320 because structs are always copied ( checkbox.vertOrient = checkbox.control = checkModel rng.Text.insertTextContent(rng, checkbox, True) end sub sub createTextframe (rng as, doc) ' simulate an underlined textbox by putting it in a frame with a bottom border dim textframe textframe = doc.createInstance("") textframe.anchorType = Dim sz as New sz.height = rng.charHeight * 2540/72 - 50 ' convert points to dekamicrons and adjust to let it fit the line sz.width = rng.charHeight * len(rng.string) * 2540/144 ' underline is about one en, half of charHeight textframe.size = sz textframe.TopMargin = 0 textframe.BottomMargin = 0 textframe.LeftMargin = 0 textframe.RightMargin = 0 textframe.BorderDistance = 0 textframe.HoriOrient = textframe.VertOrient = dim border as New border = textframe.bottomBorder border.outerLineWidth = 50 textframe.bottomBorder = border border.outerLineWidth = 0 textframe.topBorder = border textframe.leftBorder = border textframe.rightBorder = border dim textbox, textModel, fontDescriptor textModel = doc.createInstance("") textbox = doc.createInstance("") textModel.border = 0 ' no border fontDescriptor = textModel.fontDescriptor = rng.CharFontName fontDescriptor.height = rng.CharHeight-1 ' slightly smaller to fit over the underline textModel.fontDescriptor = fontDescriptor textbox.size = sz textbox.vertOrient = textbox.control = textModel rng.text.insertTextContent(rng, textframe, True) ' can't create a text cursor before the frame is inserted in the text textframe.insertTextContent(textframe.createTextCursor, textbox, True) end sub sub fillTable (doc) Dim tables, table, tableIndex Dim rows, cols, rowindex, colIndex Dim cell tables = doc.getTextTables() For tableIndex = 0 to tables.count - 1 table = tables(tableIndex) rows = table.getRows cols = table.getColumns For rowIndex = 1 To rows.count: For colIndex = 1 To cols.count cell = table.getCellByName( Chr(Asc("A") - 1 + colIndex) & rowIndex) if len(cell.string) = 0 then ' only fill empty cells dim textbox, textModel, fontDescriptor, textRng if colIndex = 0 then 'I initially had the first column as a checkbox for Do Not Substitute, but I don't like it. textModel = doc.createInstance("") textModel.label = " " else textModel = doc.createInstance("") textModel.border = 0 ' no border fontDescriptor = textModel.fontDescriptor ' copy the relevant font info. ranges don't use FontDescriptors, so I can't just do textRng = cell.createTextCursor ' textModel.fontDescriptor = textRng.fontDescriptor = textRng.CharFontName fontDescriptor.height = textRng.CharHeight-1 ' a bit smaller to show the descenders textModel.fontDescriptor = fontDescriptor end if textbox = doc.createInstance("") textbox.vertOrient = textbox.vertOrientPosition = 60 ' odd inconsistency: positive numbers are below baseline here, but above baseline in Position dialog box textbox.control = textModel cell.insertTextContent(cell, textbox, false) Dim sz as New sz.height = cell.start.charHeight * 2540/72 ' points to dekamicrons sz.width = colwidth(table, colIndex-1)-150 textbox.size = sz end if Next colIndex : Next rowIndex Next tableIndex end sub function colwidth (table, index) ' index is 0-based ' need the table to be oriented ( table.horiOrient = ' tricks from dim n n = table.columns.count if index >= n then colwidth = 0 elseif n = 1 then ' single column table colwidth = table.width else dim ratio as double ratio = table.width / table.tableColumnRelativeSum dim pos pos = table.tableColumnSeparators if index = 0 then colwidth = pos(0).position * ratio elseif index = n-1 then ' last column colwidth = (table.tableColumnRelativeSum - pos (ubound(pos)).position) * ratio else colwidth = (pos(index).position - pos(index-1).position) * ratio end if end if end function sub splitParagraphs ' separates paragraphs in tables into separate rows (only in column D) (Useful for text pasted into tables that should be on separate lines) dim doc doc = StarDesktop.currentComponent Dim tables, table, tableIndex Dim rows, rowindex Dim cell tables = doc.getTextTables() For tableIndex = 0 to tables.count - 1 table = tables(tableIndex) rows = table.getRows For rowIndex = 1 To rows.count cell = table.getCellByName("D" & rowIndex) if not isNull (cell) then splitParagraph cell.text, table, rowIndex, doc Next rowIndex Next tableIndex end sub sub splitParagraph (t, table, rowIndex, doc) dim paras, para, controller, clip, cell, n ' n is number of paragraphs inserted n = 0 controller = doc.currentController paras = t.createEnumeration ' leave the first paragraph (the instructions) untouched if paras.hasMoreElements then para = paras.nextElement While paras.hasMoreElements n = n + 1 para = paras.nextElement (para) clip = controller.transferable cell = table.getCellByName ("D" & (rowIndex + n)) if len(cell.string) <> 0 then ' add a new row at the right place and delete the penultimate one (any contents will be lost) ' the last row is the "Physician Signature" line; don't delete that table.rows.insertByIndex (rowIndex+n-1, 1) table.rows.removeByIndex (table.rows.count-2, 1) cell = table.getCellByName ("D" & (rowIndex + n)) end if (cell) controller.insertTransferable clip para.dispose Wend end sub