Class LevenbergMarquardtBroyden

  extended by nr.minimizer.LevenbergMarquardtBroyden
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LevenbergMarquardtBroyden
extends java.lang.Object
implements VecMinimizer

Minimizes a function that generates a Vec by nonlinear least squares minimization of the difference between a given Vec of data and the function results. Uses the method of Levenberg-Marquardt (Numerical Recipes section 15.5). Assumes the sigmas (standard deviations) on the data are identically 1. Since the sigmas are implied, the covariance matrix says nothing about the goodness-of-fit, and this class does not return it. Calculates the Jacobian by symmetric finite differencing the first time, then updates it by Broyden's "good method" (Numerical Recipes equation 9.7.17). Converges when the computed sum-of-squares changes by less than epsilon.

Daniel Wachsstock

Constructor Summary
LevenbergMarquardtBroyden(Vec data, VecFunction f)
          Create a new instance of LevenbergMarquardtBroyden.
Method Summary
 double getEpsilon()
          return the relative accuracy parameter
 double minimize(Vec v)
          minimizes a function.
 int numFuncEvals()
          the number of function evaluations it took to converge to the minimum.
 void setEpsilon(double epsilon)
          set the desired relative accuracy parameter.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LevenbergMarquardtBroyden(Vec data,
                                 VecFunction f)
Create a new instance of LevenbergMarquardtBroyden.

data - the data to which to minimize the sum of squared differences.
f - the function that takes a vector of parameters and outputs a vector of simulated data
Method Detail


public double minimize(Vec v)
Description copied from interface: VecMinimizer
minimizes a function.

Specified by:
minimize in interface VecMinimizer
v - the initial guess for the function. On return, is set to the local minimum.
the value of the function at v


public int numFuncEvals()
Description copied from interface: VecMinimizer
the number of function evaluations it took to converge to the minimum.

Specified by:
numFuncEvals in interface VecMinimizer
the number of function evaluations.


public void setEpsilon(double epsilon)
Description copied from interface: VecMinimizer
set the desired relative accuracy parameter. Each implementation decides how to interpret this, if at all

Specified by:
setEpsilon in interface VecMinimizer


public double getEpsilon()
Description copied from interface: VecMinimizer
return the relative accuracy parameter

Specified by:
getEpsilon in interface VecMinimizer