pediatrics and medical informatics from the heart of the midwest

This site is the accumulation of years of my projects, most of which are small medical informatics programs. If you are looking to hire me as a pediatrician, please see the locum tenens page for my resumé and current schedule.


Please feel free to browse the site:

An interactive graph for plotting bilirubin levels in newborns
Web Services
Resources for mashups; machine-readable growth charts and other information sources
Weight, Height and Head Circumference Charts
Patient-specific growth charts
Blood Pressure
Height-specific and height-independent blood pressure charts, for hypertension screening
Peak Expiratory Flow
Calculating the Red/Yellow/Green zones for asthma management
A chemical kinetics simulation program, for classroom or research use
Pediatric Medications
Weight-and-age-specific spreadsheet for common pediatric hospital medications
Guide to using Cerner's emergency room EMR
Programming Projects
A collection of small javascript and PHP projects that I have found useful.

And last and likely least, Hacking at 0300, my blog. Mostly programming thoughts and snippets.