
The creator of this site owes a debt of gratitude to many people. First is the creator of the original website for the Young Israel of St. Louis, Erich Drazen, whose design and structure are still visible in the blue theme. Rachel and Adam Lubchansky contributed the green theme, based on a design by Jenna White. Thanks also to those who critiqued and offered suggestions during the initial development of this site: Rabbi Bienenfeld, Mickey Ariel, Joel Garbow, and Stuart Zimbalist.

Thanks also to the inspiration for many of the ideas here to the brilliant people at A List Apart, and to Google and Flickr for allowing simple programmers like me to use their API's and look brilliant. The calendar-creating code is from PHP Calendar by Keith Devens. The Hebrew calendar algorithms, of course, are from the classic Hebcal by Danny Sadinoff or its many descendants (including the algorithms built-in to PHP). The RSS parsing code is Magpie RSS. Many of the icons come from the digital pen of Mark James. The PNG-hacking for IE is from Aaron Boodman and Drew McLellan. The photo cross-fading based on Image Cross Fader Redux by Steve Chipman. Much use (but probably not enough) was made of jquery by John Resig.

And last but never least, thank you to my dear wife who tolerated all the late nights and late hours of me muttering at the computer.

Danny Wachsstock

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