Archive for the ‘Javascript’ Category

I thought I had a clever way of using tagged template literals with Array.prototype.reduce, but it turns out that String.raw does this already.

So my template function should be:

function template(strings, ...keys) {
  return (data) => String.raw( {raw: strings, (key => data[key]) );

Which is much simpler

This seems obvious in retrospect, but I got this from Olivier Wietrich's tag-reduce.

Tagged Literal Templates are useful syntactic sugar. I fill out a lot of school physical forms (each school has its own form), so I need strings like `Weight: ${data.wt_lb} pounds (${data.wt_kg} kg), ${data.wt_pct} percentile`. That works fine if I am evaluating the template string when it is defined.

But I want to defer evaluating those strings until the data array is filled in (by parsing my EMR's note, a topic for another time).

Mozilla suggests something like

function template(strings, ...keys) {
  return (dict) => {
    const result = [strings[0]];
    keys.forEach((key, i) => {
      result.push(dict[key], strings[i + 1]);
    return result.join('');

and using as

weightTemplate = template`Weight: ${'wt_lb'} pounds (${'wt_kg'} kg), ${'wt_pct'} percentile`;
// later in code, when data dictionary is completed
finalString = weightTemplate (data);

But Olivier Wietrich suggests the much more elegant:

function template(strings, ...keys) {
  return (data) => strings.reduce ( (previousValue, currentValue, currentIndex) => previousValue + data[keys[currentIndex-1]] + currentValue);
  // (I'm using ECMA's parameter names for reduce, which are pretty verbose)

using Array.prototype.reduce, which should have been obvious.
Using template is the same as above.

It seems like a long time ago that I started updating bililiteRange but it was only 3 months ago. And I think I'm done (though projects are never done!). bililiteRange 3.2 is released, and requires history.js, toolbar.js, jquery.status.js and jquery.keymap.js for all the functionality, though really the core only requires history.js.

The documentation is at, with the documentation for the other repositories linked to at

This is something I didn't know about: Prism, the syntax highlighter I use, is available from a few free CDN's, so I don't have to host it. Cool!

I haven't updated bililiteRange for years, but it's time to drop support for Internet Explorer and use modern constructs like Promise and input events. It should make things more simple. From here on in, I will only support Chrome, Firefox and Edge (the chromium-based one; I don't have Edge Legacy. I'm also working on moving all the documentation into the git repositories themselves, as github pages (see, which is an alias for

I've updated jquery.status.js, jquery.keymap.js, and timer events. The documentation for the timer events and status are done.

After some prompting by those actually using it, I paid more attention to my flexcal date picker plugin, adding features like buttons, drop-down menus and formatted dates. The documentation is on my github pages at, and the code is on github at All other posts about it are obsolete.

The current stable version is 3.4.

I finally updated my jQuery widget subclassing code to use the newest version of jQuery UI, which incorporated a lot of the original ideas I outlined back in 2010. The new documentation is now on my github pages, and I've updated the flexcal posts to reflect it.

It is a breaking change; instead of $.namespace.widgetname.subclass('namespace.newwidgetname', {methods...}) you use the real jQuery UI way: $.widget('namespace.newwidgetname', $.namespace.widgetname, {methods...}).

I've also changed all my flexcal-related widgets to the bililite namespace, per jQuery UI guidelines. It's now $.bililite.flexcal instead of $.ui.flexcal, and so on for all the fields in that (like $.bililite.flexcal.tol10n).

Hope not too many people are inconvenienced.

See the code.

jQuery plugin to allow using to get the latest commit of a github repo

github won't let you hotlink to their site directly; sends its content with a X-Content-Type-Options:nosniff header, so modern browsers won't accept it as javascript. gets around that by pulling the raw file and re-serving it with more lenient headers, but the rate is throttled so you can't use it on public sites. isn't throttled but is cached, permanently. Once a given URL is fetched, it stays in the cache and if the file is updated on github, it won't be on . So having a script tag <script src=""> lets you get the script from github, but even when the master branch is updated, the script retrieved will remain the same.

The answer is to use a specific tag or commit in the script tag: <script src=""> and change that when the underlying repo is updated. But that is terribly inconvenient.

For stable libraries, that's not a problem, since they should be tagged with version numbers: and that's probably what you want. However, if you always want the latest version, that won't work.

$.repo uses the github API to get the SHA for the latest commit to the master, and returns a $.Deferred that resolved to the appropriate URL (with no trailing slash):

$.repo('user/repo').then(function (repo){

The github api is also rate-limited (to 60 requests an hour from a given IP address), so the repo address is cached for fixed period of time (default 1 hour), with the value saved in localStorage.

$.repo('user/repo', time); // if the cached value is more than time msec old, get a new one
$.repo('user/repo', 0); // force a refresh from github's server


$.getScript is useful, but it is asynchronous, which means that you can't load scripts that depend on one another with:


You have to do:

	return $.getScript('second.js');
	return $.getScript('third.js');
	// use the scripts

$.getScripts(Array) abstracts this out, so you can do:

$.getScripts(['first.js', 'second.js', 'third.js']).then(function(){
	// use the scripts

It's basically a very simple script loader.

Two new additions to flexcal, which is now at version 2.2. See the code and a demo, that uses my new github pages.

Mouse Wheel

The calendar now responds to wheel events, changing the month with scroll up/down and changing the calendar tab with scroll left/right. I initially tried to throttle it since my trackpad was too sensitive, but that made it too slow. I'm not sure waht to do about that. It works well with an actual mouse wheel, thoug.

Keith Wood's Calendars

Keith Wood is maintaining the jQuery plugin that eventually became the official jQuery UI datepicker. His version, however, handles multiple calendar systems, much like flexcal (though I like my plugin, of course). His code is on github, and the documentation is on his personal site. He has support for many calendar systems, and I wanted to let flexcal use that. I don't use his datepicker code, just the calendar systems.

I'm using a naming convention of language-calendar, like he-jewish for a calendar localized to hebrew, using a Jewish lunar calendar. It's the opposite of Woods, who uses calendar-language, like islamic-ar for a calendar localized to arabic, using the Islamic lunar calendar. For my names, the default language is en and the default calendar system in gregorian. Thus, islamic would be an English language Islamic calendar, and zh-TW would be a Taiwanese Chinese Gregorian calendar (my parser is smart enough to not be confused by the extra hyphen). The language codes are ISO 639 two-letter codes.

There is a new function, $.ui.flexcal.tol10n(name) that creates a localization object with appropriate language and calendar system. It is designed to be transparent; doing

  calendars: ['ar-islamic']

will look in the existing $.ui.flexcal.l10n object for 'ar-islamic', then try to find it in the jQuery UI datepicker localizations (if those are loaded) (note that jQuery UI only uses Gregorian calendars), then Woods's calendars if they exist.

You can use the bridge directly if you want; $.ui.flexcal.tol10n(name) returns a localization object that you can modify as desired and then pass to flexcal.

To use this, you need to include the necessary script files: jquery.calendars.js for the basic code, (like jquery.calendars.islamic.js) for the calendar-system-specific routines (these are all in English), and (like jquery.calendars.islamic-ar.js)for the language-specific localization, or jquery.calendars.language.js for language-specific localization using the Gregorian calendar.

Of note, the text that is used for the "Next Month" and "Previous Month" is localized for the datepicker, not the underlying calendar system, so if you want that included automatically, also include the jquery.calendars.picker-name.js. I have a little hack in flexcal so you do not have to include the entire jquery.calendars.picker.js package; just include the jquery.calendars.picker-mock.js before including the localization code.
It should be clear which files to include if you look at the list.


His calendar code also has some nice formatting options, which flexcal does not have out of the box, though it is possible with some work. I'd like to get a bridge to work with my code as well.
Some other options that would be nice include: setting the first day of the week (now is fixed at Sunday) and having the option of showing or selecting days from other months.

I've added the ability to use the console with my status plugin, so you can do

  run: $.post(url, {data: data}).then(
    function() { return 'Data Saved' },
    function() { return new Error('Data Not saved') }

And the output will go to the console rather than to an element on the page.
For simple output to the console, this is far more complicated than console.log, but it works with the rest of the status options. Input is with window.prompt, since I don't know how to get input from the console.