tl;dr: use $.screenfade(callback)
to gently fade the screen to white, have the callback
make changes, then fade the screen back in.
I like WordPress's full screen editor mode for distraction-free editing, and I especially liked how gradually it fades the full screen in and out. Making a text box fill the screen width is straightforward as long as you remember to set the box-sizing
as follows: textarea { width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box;}
. There's no way to make the box fill the available screen height, though, with CSS alone and we have to resort to Javascript:
var defaultHeight = $('#editor').height();
$(window).on('resize', function(){
var restHeight = $('body').outerHeight(true)-$('#editor').height();
$('#editor').height(Math.max($(window).height()-restHeight, editorHeight));
And then use CSS to remove the distractions:
body.fullscreen head, body.fullscreen footer, body.fullscreen nav {display: none}
body.fullscreen article {width: 100%; margin: 0; background: white}
And use $('body').toggleClass('fullscreen'); $(window).trigger('resize')
to switch between full screen and full distractions modes.
But the other thing WordPress does is make the transition gradual, fading out the screen then fading the new mode back in, which I find much more pleasant. I initially used CSS3 transitions, which work wonderfully for the CSS changes but we need to trigger the Javascript as well. There is a transitionend
event that we could bind to, but that would mean having the height adjust after the other transitions. I didn't like that.
Then I tried fadeOut
of the entire body
then fading back in, but jQuery adds a display: none
at the end of fading out via opacity
, so that ended up being too jerky. $('body').animate{opacity: 0}
was smooth enough, but left the body background color in place, which then changed abruptly to the new color. $('html').animate{opacity: 0}
worked beautifully, almost.
There's a weird Chrome bug (seems to be but they claim to have fixed it) where the scroll bars lose their alpha-channel when the opacity is less than 1, so they turn black rather than transparent. Ugly (demo page).
So I decided instead of fading out the real elements, I'd fade in a covering element, make my changes, then fade the cover out.
The plugin is called as $.screenfade(callback, [options])
where callback
is a function to be called after the fadeout and before the fadein, and options
is a bit of a hack: it is passed both as the CSS of the covering element, and as the options object for the animation. Since the two do not have overlapping parameters, it should work. Thus
$.screenfade(callback, {background: black, duration: 2000 })
will fade the screen to black over 2 seconds, execute the callback, then fade back to normal over two seconds.
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