Archive for February 22nd, 2013

This post is obsolete; the $.keymap has changed significantly. Documentation is now at

I've been playing around with creating an online editor, and one thing it needs is keyboard shortcuts. Control keys and the like don't register keypress events, so I have to use keydown to get the event.which (and I have to use jQuery to normalize that across browsers), and then I have a random keyboard code and a bunch of modifier key flags to work with. The W3C once tried to rationalize all this, but no one picked up on it. So I wrote a jQuery plugin to turn the event into a friendlier string (using a notation based on Microsoft's sendkeys). Thus:

  • Pressing the 'a' key gives $.keymap(event) == 'a'
  • Pressing the 'a' key with shift held gives $.keymap(event) == 'A'
  • Pressing the 'a' key with control held gives $.keymap(event) == '^A'
  • Pressing the 'a' key with alt held gives $.keymap(event) == '%A'
  • Pressing the 'a' key with control and alt held gives $.keymap(event) == '^%A'
  • Pressing the 'Esc' key gives $.keymap(event) == '{esc}'
  • Pressing the 'Esc' key with shift held gives $.keymap(event) == '+{esc}'
  • Pressing the '*' key on the numeric keypad gives $.keymap(event) == '{multiply}'
  • Pressing the '1' key on the numeric keypad with control held gives $.keymap(event) == '^{1}'

Download the code.

See the demo.

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