Archive for the ‘jQuery’ Category

I hate password masking—hiding what I'm typing to prevent someone from looking over my shoulder at my passwords. I know when I'm in public and when I'm alone in the house, and it should be my choice to actually see what I'm typing, since it has to have some nonsense combination of characters. Even Jakob Nielsen agrees with me.

The logical thing to do is to have a checkbox that would show the characters, and the easiest way to do that is to change the type of the input element from password to text.

For most browsers, this is nontrivial but doable. You have to detach the element first in order to change its type. But in Internet Explorer, there's no way to change it. One solution is to create a new input element with type text and copy all the other attributes into it, but that seems like overkill. All we need is a way for the user to see what he is typing, so a tooltip-like overlay would work.

This is what I came up with (note that it requires jQuery UI position:

<input type="password" id="password"/>
<label><input type="checkbox" id="check"/> Show characters as I type</label>
  $('<input type="password">').detach().attr('type', 'text');
  $.fn.showPassword = function(shouldShow){
    var type =  shouldShow ? 'text' : 'password';
    return this.each(function(){
      /* from */
      marker = $('<span />').insertBefore(this);
      $(this).detach().attr('type', type).insertAfter(marker);
  $.fn.showPassword = function(shouldShow){
    return this.each(function(){
      if (shouldShow){
        var span = $(this).siblings('.showPassword');
        if (span.length > 0){
          span = $('<span>').addClass('showPassword').css({
            opacity: 0.9,
            background: 'white',
            position: 'absolute',
            fontFamily: 'sans-serif',
            paddingLeft: '2px'
            at: 'left bottom',
            of: this,
            my: 'left top'
          $(this).keyup(function(){ span.text(this.value); });

Try this in Internet Explorer as well as a standards browser. The details are different, but the functionality is the same.


Download the code. Use $.validateHTML5(callback), where callback (result, data) is a function that is called with the result, a string that can be "valid" if the page validated, "invalid" if it did not, "warning" if it validated but is "in some way questionable", or "not validated" if some error occurred. data is the actual JSON output from the validator.

Continue reading ‘HTML5 validator plugin’ »

Updated flexcal to 1.2.1; nothing major, just changed the Hebrew numbers to use the technically correct Unicode code points HEBREW PUNCTUATION GERESH (&#x05F3; ׳) and HEBREW PUNCTUATION GERSHAYIM (&#x05F4; ״) rather than single and double quotes. Also similarly updated the Hebrew keyboard.

This post is obsolete; since moving the code to github, the package is no longer being maintained. You need four files: flexcal.css, jquery.ui.subclass.js, jquery.textpopup.js and jquery.flexcal.js

There's been some interest in putting flexcal and all its dependencies into a single file (that would be jquery.ui.subclass.js, jquery.textpopup.js, jquery.flexcal.js, and flexcal.html). The problem with putting it all into a ZIP file is keeping it updated; I don't have an automated make-like system and there's no way I'm going to remember to keep the package up to date. So I created a PHP script based on Patrick Hunlock's Supercharged Javascript to pull the javascript together automatically, together with a script to create the HTML template (so no AJAX is needed and no flexcal.html).

Download the code.

I've had some questions about extending flexcal so I created one that combines filtering, output formatting and drop-down menus.

The filtering will only allow dates going back 17 years, and the calendar will start on that date. The formatting will use European dates (d/m/y). The drop-down menus will be the ones from the original post, but instead of using aspect-oriented programming (flexcal('after', '_adjustHTML', function (cal){...) we will subclass the original widget.

Continue reading ‘A flexcal Example’ »

In a major burst of middle-of-the-night hacking, I've updated flexcal to better handle changing options after instantiation and added a current option, representing the currently highlighted date. I also updated textpopup with a new option, box that allows you to set the popup's container, useful for inline widgets. The flexcal API examples use it for an inline datepicker.

My flexcal plugin exposes a few useful methods, which I have not documented elsewhere. They are called, like all jQuery UI widget methods, by creating the widget: cal = $('').flexcal() then invoking the method: cal.flexcal('setDate', '10/25/2011').

Continue reading ‘The flexcal API and an inline flexcal’ »
For those following flexcal, my jQuery UI date picker, I've just released version 1.3. It fixes a bug in the setDate routine that would cause it to fail if called before the calendar was shown, and added date filtering. See the original post (now updated) for details.
For those following this, I corrected some typos (חשון spelled wrong; numbers should not use the סופית form) in the Hebrew calendar. flexcal now stands at version 1.2
Well, jQuery 1.5 is out and there's yet another incompatibility: they changed the way attribute selectors work. You used to be able to use them without quotes, as [attr=value] but that now throws an exception. Now you have to use [attr="value"]. Not sure why they changed it; The CSS level 3 definition is ambiguous about when you need quotes, and it may be that jQuery is OK with leaving the quotes off for simple (letters/numbers) values. I don't have time to experiment; I just changed things to use the quotes. It affects parsecss and flexcal; I haven't found any other places I used this.